Using Water Responsibly

Everybody should participate in the conservation and protection of water usage in our communities.

How Can I Help?
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Why should I consider paying more attention to water usage?

Conserving water helps to keep our community beautiful and strong. Conserving water where you live is vital to maintaining peaceful life, because it decreases the chances of drought, water shortages, and even political conflict.
By conserving water in our communities, not only will human life flourish, but wildlife and plant life as well. Everything depends on water to survive, so why not take care of it? Another reason to be more water-conscious is the fact that saving water saves you money! Using less water at home saves you more money on those annoying water bills.

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What Can You Do To Help?

Some ways to protect H20 in your community include:
  • Regularly check for leaks in your house's pluming system (toilet, sink, shower, etc.)
  • Use the restroom less... Save those flushes! A single flush alone take 5-7 gallons of water.
  • Take shorter showers. As good as warm water feels, do you really need to spend 30+ minutes in there?
  • Consider taking baths instead of showers.
  • Turn off sink water when applying soap, shaving cream, or brushing your teeth.
  • Water your lawn only when it needs to be watered.
  • Collect rain in buckets and use them to water your plants afterwards.
  • Reach out to community representatives and ask how they are helping.